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US Government: 1783 to 1865

Use online videos to study the evolution of the system of government in the United States. Use the video subtitles to improve Reading and Literacy skills .... simultaneously!

Use these online History of The United States videos entitled US Government from 1783 to 1865 to learn about the development and evolution of the system of government in the United States during that time.

Use these 3 online educational video titles to trace the changes in U.S. government through the first 100 years of the nation's history. Study the drafting and passage of the Constitution and explore how elected leaders interpreted the document in the critical early years of the nation's history. These video presentations examine the events that helped to define the powers of the federal government--including the Whiskey Rebellion, the War of 1812, and the Civil War.

Learning Objectives:

  • Survey the evolution of the U.S. government, from the drafting and ratification of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights to the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation and the end of the Civil War.
  • Examine events that helped define the powers of the federal government, including the Whiskey Rebellion, the Louisiana Purchase, the War of 1812, and the Civil War.
  • Explore how the rulings of the Marshall Court; the Monroe Doctrine; the emergence of political parties and professional politicians; and westward expansion affected the role of U.S. government during the nation's first one hundred years.
  • Understand the different ways in which the U.S. Constitution was interpreted in the critical early years of the nation's history and the impact of those interpretations.
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