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Art Videos Online

Art videos online for teaching art to kindergarten kids and elementary, middle school and high school students. Also use the art video subtitles to improve Reading & Literacy Skills .....simultaneously !

Art Videos Online

Zane Education provides 64 curriculum-aligned art videos online for the art education categories of History of Art, Great Works of Art, and Art and Music. Specifically developed for the purpose of teaching art and providing art education videos and art lesson videos online.

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These online art videos for art teachers are being widely used for teaching art to kindergarten, elementary, middle school and high school students, enabling kids of many different ages and grade levels, to learn about and study their art education having the benefit of online art videos providing a much more interesting and compelling way to learn and study art.

Our art videos are intended and provided for use by both kids and elementary students as well art education videos for middle school and high school students. They also provide teachers with useful art education resources to use as art lesson videos to support art student study in the classroom.


5 Tips to achieve best results using our Art videos online

1. Students are able to achieve their greatest individual potential by learning at their own speed.

2. Using the subtitles on each art video enables students to study each topic and improve their reading and literacy skills at the same time. Learn more...

3. The Interactive Study Tools provided in the right hand column beside each art video helps provide more information about the topic being studied.

4. Our Downloads page provides a selection of User Guides for different educational needs and a catalogue of our entire online video library enables you to browse and plan your studies offline.

5. Online subtitled video and Visual Learning accommodates virtually all Learning Styles and provides the ideal solution for students with dyslexia, other special education needs and students learning English as a Second Language.

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