Home > Membership Options: Subtitled Online Educational Video Library

Membership & Pricing

Our Membership and Subscription Options

WE OFFER 4 Premium Membership options: Gold, Silver and Bronze Memberships. Select to pay a single annual payment (with the 12th month free), or a monthly recurring payment. We also provide the Topic Taster Membership intended for teachers that wish to Trial our service.

SCHOOLS and EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION prices are provided upon quotation. To request a Quotation for an Annual School License, please use our Contact page providing the name of your school and the total number of students. For further information please see our Schools page.

Click on the membership options below to view the details

1: Basic FREE Membership

Access to all the free facilities on the Zane Education website.

A Basic Membership provides:

  • Access to demo versions of Zane's 1,000+ subtitled curriculum videos for K-12
  • Access to the non-subtitled curriculum Math videos for K-12
  • Access to all 260 online interactive curriculum quizzes for K12
  • Access to all of the K12 educational resources in the More Resources section including the World Factbook, World Leaders Guide, Historical documents and much more.
  • 72-Hour Tech Support

Join Free

NOTE: A Free Basic Membership only provides access to demo versions of our 1,000+ curriculum videos for K-12 for Art, Music, History, Science, Biology, Literature, Geography, Social Sciences, Library Skills, Health and Religious Studies. To use the full versions you need to upgrade to a Gold, Silver or Bronze Membership.

2: GOLD MEMBERSHIP     ** All Videos, Best Value ** **BEST VALUE**

Provides access to ALL 1,500+ curriculum videos for K-12 on the website PLUS all other facilities on the Zane Education website.

A Gold Membership provides:

  • Access to ALL of Zane's 1,000+ subtitled curriculum videos for K-12*
  • Access to the non-subtitled curriculum Math videos for K-12
  • Access to Free Lesson Plans for all 260+ curriculum Topics for K-12
  • Access to online Video Study Tools
  • Access to all 260 online interactive curriculum quizzes for K12
  • Free downloadable copy of Zane's Learning Video Catalogue (worth $49.95)
  • Free downloadable copy of Zane's Christian Home Learning Guide (worth $49.95)
  • Access to all of the K12 educational resources in the Study Center section including the World Factbook, World Leaders Guide, Historical documents and much more.
  • 24-Hour Tech Support
$17.99 per month or
$197.89 per year

Either recurring payment of $17.99 per month or single payment of $197.89 per year (saves approximately 10% - you pay for 11 months and get the 12th month free).

Proceed >

Comment: A Gold Membership represents the best value for money providing an 84% discount (Saves $1,225) on buying the use of each video topic separately and a 93% discount (Saves $3552) on buying each CD-ROM separately.

NOTE: Zane's subtitled educational videos provide online visual learning for Art, Music, History, Science, Biology, Literature, Geography, Social Sciences, Library Skills, Health and Religious Studies. Annual subscriptions are a single payment whereas monthly payments are recurring and are able to be cancelled at any time from within your Members zone.

3: SILVER MEMBERSHIP     ** All videos for an Age/Grade ** **GREAT FOR A SPECIFIC AGE OR GRADE**

Provides access to all education (K12) videos within the GRADE LEVEL you have chosen PLUS all other facilities on the Zane Education website.

A Silver Membership provides:

  • Access to all subtitled curriculum videos for K-12 within your selected GRADE LEVEL**
  • Access to all non-subtitled curriculum Math videos for K-12
  • Access to Free Lesson Plans for all curriculum Topics within your selected Grade Level
  • Access to online Video Study Tools
  • Access to all 260 online interactive curriculum quizzes for K12
  • Access to all of the K12 educational resources in the Study Center including the World Factbook, World Leaders Guide, Historical documents and much more.
  • 24-Hour Tech Support
$12.99 per month or
$142.89 per year

Either recurring payment of $12.99 per month or single payment of $142.89 per year (saves approximately 10% - you pay for 11 months and get the 12th month free).

Proceed >

NOTE: Zane's subtitled educational videos provide online visual learning for Art, Music, History, Science, Biology, Literature, Geography, Social Sciences, Library Skills, Health and Religious Studies. Annual subscriptions are a single payment whereas monthly payments are recurring and are able to be cancelled at any time from within your Members zone.


Provides access to all videos within in the SUBJECT you have chosen.

A Bronze Membership provides:

  • Access to all subtitled curriculum videos for K-12 within your selected SUBJECT***
  • Access to all non-subtitled curriculum Math videos for K-12
  • Access to Free Lesson Plans for all curriculum Topics within your selected Subject
  • Access to online Video Study Tools
  • Access to all 260 online interactive curriculum quizzes for K12
  • Access to all of the K12 educational resources in the Study Center section including the World Factbook, World Leaders Guide, Historical documents and much more.
  • 24-Hour Tech Support
$8.99 per month or
$98.89 per year

Either recurring payment of $8.99 per month or single payment of $98.89 per year (saves approximately 10% - you pay for 11 months and get the 12th month free).

Proceed >

NOTE: Zane's subtitled educational videos provide online visual learning for Art, Music, History, Science, Biology, Literature, Geography, Social Sciences, Library Skills, Health and Religious Studies. Annual subscriptions are a single payment whereas monthly payments are recurring and are able to be cancelled at any time from within your Members zone.

5: TOPIC TASTER MEMBERSHIP     ** Ideal for testing our service ** **Great for TEACHERS to trial our service.**

Provides access to the video(s) within in the SINGLE TOPIC you have chosen.

A Topic Taster Membership provides:

  • Access to all subtitled curriculum videos for K-12 within your selected SINGLE TOPIC
  • Access to all non-subtitled curriculum Math videos for K-12
  • Access to the Free Lesson Plan for your selected Topic
  • Access to all 260 online interactive curriculum quizzes for K12
  • Access to all of the K12 educational resources in the More Resources section including the World Factbook, World Leaders Guide, Historical documents and much more.
  • 24-Hour Tech Support
$5 per month

$ 5.00 for 30-day access. A great option for teachers in schools to try out our online curriculum

Proceed >

NOTE: A Topic Taster Membership is a great option for teachers in schools to try out our online curriculum videos for K-12 in the classroom where the school has not yet purchased a School License subscription. Teachers wish to purchase their own subscriptions for their use only in classes of up to 25 students may uses the same subscription prices provided elsewhere on this page.

Membership Summary

  • Free Membership
  • 72 hours
  • Free Membership
  • Join Free >
  • Topic Taster
  • 72 hours
  • Topic Taster
  • $5.00
  • Buy Now >
  • Bronze
  • 24 hours
  • Bronze
  • $8.99
  • $98.89
  • Proceed >
  • Silver
  • 24 hours
  • Silver
  • $12.99
  • $142.89
  • Proceed >
  • Gold
  • 24 hours
  • Gold
  • $17.99
  • $197.89
  • Proceed >

Gold Membership

The Gold subscription is the best value for money. It provides access to ALL of our education videos on the website PLUS all other facilities on the Zane Education website

Please choose your subscription period;
either a monthly or an annual subscription


Silver Membership

The Silver subscription provides access to all education videos within the GRADE LEVEL you have chosen PLUS all other facilities on the Zane Education website.

Please choose your grade:

  • Elementary
  • Middle School
  • High School
  • College
  • Adult


Our 207 Elementary eductional videos cover 7 subjects and 53 topics. They provide children and students with the curriculum material using Visual Learning and enable them to study at their own speed. The subtitles enable each child to study the topic and improve their reading and literacy skills simultaneously


Middle School

Our 641 Middle School eductional videos cover 10 subjects and 189 topics. They provide children and students with the curriculum material using Visual Learning and enable them to study at their own speed. The subtitles enable each child to study the topic and improve their reading and literacy skills simultaneously


High School

Our 809 High School eductional videos cover 10 subjects and 198 topics. They provide children and students with the curriculum material using Visual Learning and enable them to study at their own speed. The subtitles enable each child to study the topic and improve their reading and literacy skills simultaneously



Our 759 College eductional videos cover 9 subjects and 179 topics. They provide children and students with the curriculum material using Visual Learning and enable them to study at their own speed. The subtitles enable each child to study the topic and improve their reading and literacy skills simultaneously



Our 661 Adult eductional videos cover 9 subjects and 154 topics. They provide children and students with the curriculum material using Visual Learning and enable them to study at their own speed. The subtitles enable each child to study the topic and improve their reading and literacy skills simultaneously


Bronze Membership

The Bronze subscription provides access to all videos within in the SUBJECT you have chosen PLUS all other facilities on the Zane Education website.

Please choose your subject:

  • Art
  • Biology
  • Geography
  • Health
  • History
  • Library Skills
  • Literature
  • Music
  • Religious Studies
  • Science
  • Social Science


Our 65 Art eductional videos cover 14 topics. They provide children and students with the curriculum material using Visual Learning . The subtitles enable each child to study the topic and improve their reading and literacy skills simultaneously.



Our 151 Biology eductional videos cover 29 topics. They provide children and students with the curriculum material using Visual Learning . The subtitles enable each child to study the topic and improve their reading and literacy skills simultaneously.



Our 59 Geography eductional videos cover 12 topics. They provide children and students with the curriculum material using Visual Learning . The subtitles enable each child to study the topic and improve their reading and literacy skills simultaneously.



Our 12 Health eductional videos cover 5 topics. They provide children and students with the curriculum material using Visual Learning . The subtitles enable each child to study the topic and improve their reading and literacy skills simultaneously.



Our 359 History eductional videos cover 54 topics. They provide children and students with the curriculum material using Visual Learning . The subtitles enable each child to study the topic and improve their reading and literacy skills simultaneously.


Library Skills

Our 10 Library Skills eductional videos cover 4 topics. They provide children and students with the curriculum material using Visual Learning . The subtitles enable each child to study the topic and improve their reading and literacy skills simultaneously.



Our 222 Literature eductional videos cover 50 topics. They provide children and students with the curriculum material using Visual Learning . The subtitles enable each child to study the topic and improve their reading and literacy skills simultaneously.



Our 105 Music eductional videos cover 25 topics. They provide children and students with the curriculum material using Visual Learning . The subtitles enable each child to study the topic and improve their reading and literacy skills simultaneously.


Religious Studies

Our 10 Religious Studies eductional videos cover 2 topics. They provide children and students with the curriculum material using Visual Learning . The subtitles enable each child to study the topic and improve their reading and literacy skills simultaneously.



Our 200 Science eductional videos cover 33 topics. They provide children and students with the curriculum material using Visual Learning . The subtitles enable each child to study the topic and improve their reading and literacy skills simultaneously.


Social Science

Our 66 Social Science eductional videos cover 9 topics. They provide children and students with the curriculum material using Visual Learning . The subtitles enable each child to study the topic and improve their reading and literacy skills simultaneously.


* Please Note: Gold, Silver and Bronze monthly subscriptions payments are monthly recurring and can be cancelled at any time. The $5 Topic taster is not a recurring payment. Pricing in US$.
