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Biology: The Five Kingdoms of Life videos

Use these online biology videos to study The Five Kingdoms of Life. Use the video subtitles to improve Reading and Literacy skills ... simultaneously!

Use these Biology and Biological Sciences videos entitled The Five Kingdoms of Life to study the five kingdom taxonomic system and the criteria for determining its divisions. Learn about the monerans, protists, fungi, animals, and plants. Study the life cycles, ecological connections, and ecological importance of each kingdom.

Learn about the life cycles, ecological connections, and ecological importance of each kingdom. These 6 online educational video titles outline the rationale for the five-kingdom taxonomic system and the criteria for determining its divisions. They introduce and covers monerans, protists, fungi, animals, and plants in an exciting multimedia format that entertains while it teaches. Study the life cycles, ecological connections, and ecological importance of each kingdom.

Learning Objectives:

  • Outline the rationale for the five-kingdom taxonomic system, and survey the criteria for the classification of a living organism as a moneran, protist, fungus, animal, or plant.
  • Examine characteristics of protists and identify organisms of the protist kingdom.
  • Survey a variety of animals, from sponges to vertebrates, and discuss the distinguishing features of animals and the characteristics of animals of selected animal phylums.
  • Explore the habitats, forms, characteristics, and ecological importance of fungi.
  • Gain insight to the chemical behaviors and morphology of the monerans, or bacterial groups, and explore their metabolic pathways as vital symbionts and deadly organisms.
  • Explain the reproductive cycles of mosses, ferns, conifers, and angiosperms; define photosynthesis; examine bryophytes; and discuss the ecological importance of plants.
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