Heredity: Traits, Genes, Alleles and Chromosomes videos

Use these online Heredity videos to study Traits, Genes, Alleles, Chromosomes and Sex Linkage. Use the video subtitles to improve Reading and Literacy skills ... simultaneously!

Use these Biology and Heredity videos entitled Traits, Genes, Alleles, Chromosomes and Sex Linkage to study how pairs of genes can be inherited, and explore the role played by the position of genes along different chromosomes in the patterns of gene inheritance. Learn how the juxtaposition of chromosomes shows linkage between genes, then see how genetic experiments can reveal the spatial relationship between different genes. 

Study basic Mendelian genetics and learn to solve advanced genetic problems involving multiple genes. Use these 6 online educational video titles to explore the basic Mendelian genetics, including the concepts of genes, alleles, dominance, and recessiveness. Learn the fundamental principles of how and why parents and children share common genes and traits. Learn to solve more advanced genetics problems involving multiple genes, sex linkage and mapping.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Discuss Mendel's understanding of a gene; describe the patterns of genotype expression; and explore the types of genetic problems that can be interpreted by Mendelian analysis Explore examples of the inheritance patterns of single genes in higher plants and animals.
  2. Understand how pairs of genes can be inherited, and explore the role played by the position of genes along different chromosomes in the patterns of gene inheritance.
  3. Examine how the juxtaposition of chromosomes shows linkage between genes, then see how genetic experiments can reveal the spatial relationship between different genes.
  4. Discuss how the meiotic division of sex chromosomes affects the sex of the progeny.
  5. Explore genetic conditions in humans that result from sex-linked dominant alleles.
  6. Discover how sex linkage illustrates the concept that genes are on chromosomes.
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