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Sociology Video

Getting to know Sociology using Online Video

Use these 24 online educational video titles to gain a global perspective on the major methods, theories, and findings in the field of sociology. Learn the origins of sociology and how the logic of science is used to study human society.

Study four models of social organization by Emile Durkheim, Karl Marx, Max Weber, and Gerhard and Jean Lenski. Examine the five major components of culture and see how social inequality exists among social classes, races, genders, and age groups.

Study the effect that economic systems have on the workplace, politics and government, family, religion, education, and health and medicine. Witness the global social changes that occur through population growth and urbanization and explore how people seek or resist social change through various forms of collective behavior and social movements.

Learning Objectives:

  • Study the origins of sociology and how the logic of science is used to study human society.
  • Study four models of social organization by Emile Durkheim, Karl Marx, Max Weber, and Gerhard and Jean Lenski.
  • Examine the five major components of culture and see how social inequality exists among social classes, races, genders and age groups.
  • Study the effect that economic systems have on the workplace, politics and government, family, religion, education, and health and medicine.
  • Witness the global social changes that occur through population growth and urbanization and explore how people seek or resist social change through various forms of collective behavior and social movements.
Social Sciences
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