Home > User Guides, Online Video Catalogues and other Publications

Free Education Downloads

Use this page to freely download Zane Education's Getting Started Guide, a selection of User Guides introducing Visual Learning and our online educational video library for the online education of classroom and homeschool students, and a selection of special education needs

The Getting Started Guide and the selection of User Guides available on this page for free download are provided to ensure that you and your students receive the greatest educational benefits from the resources we provide. Please take advantage of the work we have put into providing them because the use of the video subtitles are as important as the resources themselves.

The User Guides, Catalogues and other Educational Publications and White Papers on this page are free to download for those of you that have completed the free Registration for Basic Membership on our Registration Page.

Our free education downloads include:

Curriculum Topics and Video Catalogues
Getting Started Guide
User Guides
Educational Publications
Articles and Research on Visual Learning and the Educational Benefits of Using Video Subtitles


Curriculum Topics and Video Catalogues

Zane Education provides a Visual Learning solution that uses the largest and most comprehensive subtitled educational video library currently available online. The audio/visual nature of video provides significant educational benefits for a wide range of students and the addition of subtitles provides an even more effective and flexible online learning resource that enables students to study each topic and improve their reading and Literacy skills simultaneously.

Topic / Video Catalogue for all Curriculum Subjects

This Topic/Video Catalogue is a shortened version of the Zane Education Video Learning Catalogue and provides a list of  the topics and the subtitled videos for each curriculum topic. This list does include the Math videos which are not subtitled. (41 Pages, 0.13 MB - .pdf requires Adobe Acrobat Reader) Free Download Here

The Math Video Catalogue

The Math Video Catalogue includes list of all Math videos only. The Math video are not owned by Zane, and are the only videos not subtitled, hence the reason why they are provided free-of-charge. They are only made available to supplement Zane's own online educational video library for the convenience of our subscription customers while we develop our own Math videos. (14 Pages, 0.048 MB - .pdf requires Adobe Acrobat Reader) Free Download Here


Getting Started Guide - Free for Registered Basic Members


User Guides

How you use the educational resources we provide determines the value and educational benefits you and your students will receive from them. It is for that reason we provide a range of User Guides that demonstrate how our online service should be used to bring the most educational benefits to a wide range of children and students of varying learning styles and abilities. Each User Guide can be downloaded free by clicking on the relevant User Guide.

User Guides for Teachers and Schools :

User Guides for Homeschoolers, Tutors or Students wanting Homework Help:

User Guides for Education of Specific Special Needs Students:

User Guides for ESL Students or Improving Students Reading and Literacy Skills:


Educational Publications

The Zane Education Learning Video Catalogue and the Christian Home Learning Guide are free bonus gifts provided to those that upgrade their memberships to the Annual Gold Membership. They are also available at a cost of $49.95 each for those that wish to purchase them. To purchase either or both, please use the Contact page to arrange purchase.

Zane Education Learning Video Catalogue            Price: $49.95 or FREE with any 12-month Membership subscription.

The Zane Education Learning Video Catalogue is a 266 page downloadable e-book that provides an indepth introduction to Zane's online educational video library and all of the 260 curriculum topics and subjects subjects except for the Math. The reader is introduced to the  topics available for Elementary, Middle school, High school, College and Adult students, and subjects include; Art, Literature, Science, Biology, History, Music, Geography, Health, Social Sciences, Religious Studies and Library Skills. Each topic is explored on a page-by-page basis providing an overview of the topic, the Learning Objectives, screenshot and details of the length of each video, and the number of videos and quizzes for each topic. This publication is essential for those parents and teachers that want to make sure they are getting the most benefits from Zane Education's visual Learning solution. (266 Pages, 4.5 MB - .pdf requires Adobe Acrobat) Use our Contact page to order this publication.

Christian Learning Guide                                         Price: $49.95 or FREE with any 12-month Membership subscription.

The Christian Learning Guide is another downloadable e-book that is essential reading for any Christian parents and teachers that need to be reassured that the learning material being provided to their children and students fully conforms to Biblical teaching. This 424-page Christian Companion to Zane Education's Online Learning Video Catalogue was specially written for Zane by Marshall Foster and Ron Ball, with a Foreword by Paul Zane Pilzer. It includes rich information that covers many essential issues and questions that confront Christian students in the world today as they prepare for college. Used widely in Christian schools and Christian homeschools across North America, this e-book examines each of the subjects and topics delivered and taught by Zane's online education videos and confirms that all content in those videos avoids contentious issues and is fully aligned with Christian beliefs. A much more detailed overview of the entire contents of this ebook are available here on the Christian Learning Guide page. (424 Pages, 2.3 MB - .pdf requires Adobe Acrobat) Use our Contact page to order this publication.


Articles and Research on Visual Learning and the Educational Benefits of Using Video Subtitles

Video Subtitles - The Missing Piece in Education!
The Benefits of Using Video in The Classroom as a Teaching Resource
The Benefits of Visual Learning in The Classoom
Using Video Subtitles to Improve Reading and Literacy Skills
How Video Subtitles can Help Teaching Students Classified as ESL Learners
Research Linking The Use of Subtitles and The Ability to Improve Reading and Literacy Skills
The First Research Published by the Department of Education (in Jan 2013) about Using Video Subtitles to Improve Reading and Literacy Skills

