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Music History: The Romantic Period to The Contemporary

Use online video to study the evolution of classical music from romanticism to contemporary. Use the video subtitles to improve Reading and Literacy skills .... simultaneously!

Use these Music History videos entitled The Romantic Period to The Contemporary to study the evolution of Western classical music from Beethoven to Copland, and study polyphony, dissonance, and tonality.

Use our 4 online educational videos to survey the history of Western classical music, from Beethoven's Eroica to Copland's Rodeo. Understand polyphony, dissonance, and tonality. Learn how the emotional quality of Beethoven's works impacted the symphonic form. Explore Wagner's contributions to opera, Stravinsky's focus on rhythm, and Copland's synthesis of jazz and classical elements.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn how the individual expression and emotional quality of Beethoven's works influenced the symphonic form Explore Wagner's contributions to opera, Stravinsky's far-reaching focus on rhythm, Copland's vigorous synthesis of jazz and classical elements, and the experimental works of composers since the mid 20th century.
  • Learn why the public of the early 20th century began to pay more attention to the music of the past than to the music being written by contemporary composers.
  • Listen to excerpts from compositions by Beethoven, Berlioz, Chopin, Copland, Debussy, Gershwin, Liszt, Mahler, Puccini, Schoenberg, Shostakovich, Stravinsky, Tchaikovsky, Verdi, and Wagner.
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