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Latin Prefix and Suffix

Use this list of Latin Prefixes and Suffixes for Grade 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 elementary, middle school and high school students and kids to learn about and understand Prefixes and Suffixes with Latin Roots.


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

A Words

act (Latin root)
Meaning: sharp, acute
Examples of Use: acrimonious, acrid

act (Latin root)
Meaning: to drive
Examples of Use: action

aer, air (Latin root)
Meaning: air
Examples of Use: aerial; airplane

ag (Latin root)
Meaning: to do
Examples of Use: agitate

ali (Latin root)
Meaning: another
Examples of Use: alias; alibi

alter (Latin root)
Meaning: another
Examples of Use: alternative; alternate

amat (Latin root)
Meaning: to love
Examples of Use: amatory; amateur

anim (Latin root)
Meaning: mind; passion; soul
Examples of Use: animal; animate

ann (Latin root)
Meaning: year
Examples of Use: annual; anniversary

apt (Latin root)
Meaning: to fit; to adjust
Examples of Use: adapt; aptitude

aqu (Latin root)
Meaning: water
Examples of Use: aqueduct, aquarium

art (Latin root)
Meaning: art. skill
Examples of Use: artist; artisan

aud, audit (Latin root)
Meaning: to hear
Examples of Use: audible; audition

avi (Latin root)
Meaning: bird
Examples of Use: aviary; aviation

B Words

bell (Latin root)
Meaning: war
Examples of Use: belligerent; bellicose

ben (Latin root)
Meaning: good; well
Examples of Use: benediction; benefactor

C Words

cad (Latin root)
Meaning: to fall
Examples of Use: cadence

cap (Latin root)
Meaning: head
Examples of Use: captain, capital

cap (Latin root)
Meaning: to take
Examples of Use: captive

cent (Latin root)
Meaning: one hundred
Examples of Use: centipede, century

cid, cis (Latin root)
Meaning: to cut; to kill
Examples of Use: suicide; incision

cit (Latin root)
Meaning: to summon
Examples of Use: incite

civi (Latin root)
Meaning: city; citizen
Examples of Use: civil; civilization

clam, clamat (Latin root)
Meaning: to cry out
Examples of Use: clamor; exclamation

compl, complet (Latin root)
Meaning: to fill
Examples of Use: comply; completion

cor, cord (Latin root)
Meaning: heart
Examples of Use: core, cordial

corp, corpor (Latin root)
Meaning: body
Examples of Use: corpse; corporeal; incorporate

cresc (Latin root)
Meaning: to grow
Examples of Use: crescent; excrescence

cret (Latin root)
Meaning: grown
Examples of Use: concrete; accrete

curr, curs (Latin root)
Meaning: to run
Examples of Use: current; excursion

D Words

da, don (Latin root)
Meaning: to give
Examples of Use: data; donate

doc (Latin root)
Meaning: to teach
Examples of Use: doctrine

dom (Latin root)
Meaning: home
Examples of Use: domain, domicile

domin (Latin root)
Meaning: to rule
Examples of Use: domineer; dominate

E Words

er (Latin root)
Meaning: to wander, go
Examples of Use: errand; errant

equ (Latin root)
Meaning: equal
Examples of Use: equation

ev (Latin root)
Meaning: an age
Examples of Use: coeval; medieval

F Words

fall, fals (Latin root)
Meaning: to deceive
Examples of Use: fallacy; falsify

fam (Latin root)
Meaning: report
Examples of Use: famous; infamy

fin (Latin root)
Meaning: end
Examples of Use: final; finite

fix (Latin root)
Meaning: to fasten
Examples of Use: affix, fixture

flat (Latin root)
Meaning: blown
Examples of Use: inflate, deflate

flect, flex (Latin root)
Meaning: to bend; bending
Examples of Use: deflect; reflexive

flu (Latin root)
Meaning: to flow
Examples of Use: fluency; confluent

fund, fus (Latin root)
Meaning: to pour
Examples of Use: refund; profuse; effusion

G Words

gen, gener (Latin root)
Meaning: birth; race; kind
Examples of Use: progeny; genesis; generation

gest (Latin root)
Meaning: to carry; to carry on
Examples of Use: gesture; suggest

grad, gress (Latin root)
Meaning: to step; to walk
Examples of Use: graduate; progress

greg (Latin root)
Meaning: flock; herd
Examples of Use: gregarious; aggregate

J Words

junct (Latin root)
Meaning: a joining
Examples of Use: junction; adjunct

L Words

labor (Latin root)
Meaning: to work
Examples of Use: laboratory; laborious

lapi (Latin root)
Meaning: stone
Examples of Use: lapidary; lapis lazuli

leg, lect (Latin root)
Meaning: to read; to choose
Examples of Use: legible, select

loqu, locut (Latin root)
Meaning: to speak
Examples of Use: elocution; loquacious

luc (Latin root)
Meaning: light
Examples of Use: lucid; elucidate

M Words

mal (Latin root)
Meaning: bad
Examples of Use: malady; malefactor

man (Latin root)
Meaning: hand
Examples of Use: manual; manicure

mar (Latin root)
Meaning: sea
Examples of Use: marine; maritime

mon (Latin root)
Meaning: to warn
Examples of Use: monitor

monit (Latin root)
Meaning: to remind
Examples of Use: admonish

mor, mort (Latin root)
Meaning: to die
Examples of Use: mortal; moribund

mov, mot (Latin root)
Meaning: to move
Examples of Use: movable; motion

O Words

omni (Latin root)
Meaning: all
Examples of Use: omnipotent, omnivorous

P Words

pac (Latin root)
Meaning: peace
Examples of Use: pacific; pacify

pel, puls (Latin root)
Meaning: to drive
Examples of Use: repel, compulsion

pend (Latin root)
Meaning: to hand
Examples of Use: pendant; depend

plen (Latin root)
Meaning: full
Examples of Use: replenish; plenary

pon, posit (Latin root)
Meaning: to place
Examples of Use: position; proponent

R Words

rat, ratio (Latin root)
Meaning: reason, plan
Examples of Use: ratio; rational

rid, ris (Latin root)
Meaning: to laugh
Examples of Use: deride; risible

rog, rogat (Latin root)
Meaning: to ask
Examples of Use: arrogant; interrogate

rupt (Latin root)
Meaning: broken
Examples of Use: rupture; bankrupt

S Words

scien (Latin root)
Meaning: knowing
Examples of Use: science; prescience

sed, sess (Latin root)
Meaning: to sit, to remain seated
Examples of Use: sedentary; session

sent, sens (Latin root)
Meaning: to feel; to think
Examples of Use: sensible; sentiment

serv (Latin root)
Meaning: to serve
Examples of Use: servant; servile

sol, solut (Latin root)
Meaning: to loose
Examples of Use: dissolve; solution

sum, sumpt (Latin root)
Meaning: to take
Examples of Use: resume; consumption

surg, surrect (Latin root)
Meaning: to rise
Examples of Use: surge; insurrection

T Words

tang, tact (Latin root)
Meaning: to touch
Examples of Use: tangible; contact

tempor (Latin root)
Meaning: time
Examples of Use: temporary; extemporize

terr (Latin root)
Meaning: land; earth
Examples of Use: territory; terrace

V Words

vag (Latin root)
Meaning: to wander
Examples of Use: vagabond; vagary

val (Latin root)
Meaning: to be strong; to have worth
Examples of Use: valor; valuable

vinc, vict (Latin root)
Meaning: to conquer
Examples of Use: convince; victory

volv, volut (Latin root)
Meaning: to roll
Examples of Use: revolve; convolution


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