Home > Online Education for Dyslexia

Online Learning for Children with Dyslexia

Visual Learning using online educational video provides the ideal solution for educating dyslexic children, kids and students with Dyslexia.



More than 1 in 8 children of school age suffers from some form of dyslexia - a condition that involves difficulty in interpreting words, letters, and other symbols, but that does not affect their general intelligence.

These children represent a huge proportion of our society that is being robbed of their opportunity to learn, and enjoy their education, because they are expected to use text-based materials that do not meet their needs.

But most children with Dyslexia are EXTREMELY intelligent and highly creative with a strong desire to learn and excel.

This is why it is not surprising that so many famous and highly successful people in the world today - and in history, have also been Dyslexic.

Yet the solution to educating children with dyslexia is so simple.

Dyslexic children are Visual Learners, so you provide the information you want them to study in a visual format.

Video provides that ideal visual format - it enables students to learn by watching .....and listening too.

Zane Education currently provides the only online video library that is also fully subtitled. It offers immediate access to the online teaching of 260+ curriculum topics across 12 subjects, for kids of all ages and Grades, using an inexpensive online monthly or annual subscription system costing from as little as just $8.99 per month.

But there is far more to using our online Visual Learning solution than using online educational video to teach children and students with Dyslexia. It also includes and is supported by:

  • Each topic is supported with a Lesson Planning Guide providing additional supplemental activities for learning that topic,
  • Interactive study tools that enable each topic to be thoroughly investicated and explored,
  • Online testing using multiple choice quizzes, with all correct and incorrect answers being fully explained to ensure the learning process continues.
  • And because our videos are appropriately subtitled, they also offer each student the opportunity to improve their reading at the same time because they can associate those words with images, and hear how the words are pronounced - in much the same way that the use of phonics is considered to be the best way to learn to read.

The use of video also enables each child to learn entirely at their own speed which is essential in allowing them to achieve their greatest individual potential.

Zane Education's online Visual Learning solution is an ideal and much more affordable alternative to those special schools for Dyslexia that charge up to $25,000 per year - and which usually have limited space availablity.

YOU CAN CHANGE AND IMPROVE YOUR CHILD'S LIFE IMMEDIATELY by enabling them to enjoy learning - and their education. End their frustration and restimulate that natural desire to learn which will secure their future.

To purchase your subscription and for further information about your choice of subsciptions, go to the very top of this page and visit our Buy a Subscription page.

And when you have completed your purchase, please don't forget to visit our Downloads page where you will find a wide selection of freely downloadable User Guides including a Guide for the Disabled Student, provided to help you and your child achieve the best results from our online resources.


* Subjects include: Science & Biology, Social Studies (History & Geography), English (Literature & Writing), Math (free), Art, Music, Religious Studies, Health, Library Skills, Social Sciences.

Zane's online learning benifits

Our advanced online learning solution provides these significant and unequalled benefits for those families affected by dyslexia:

  • Parent or Teacher Benefits
  • No special Tutors or special classes needed
  • Simple and straight forward to use
  • Produces better learning outcomes
  • Enables students to study on their own
  • Family subscription includes all children
  • Available online at any time 24/7
  • Benefits for the Dyslexic Student
  • Makes learning fun and more interesting
  • Provides the ideal learning alternative
  • Removes the need to be able to read to learn.
  • Potential to improve reading and literacy skills
  • Enables child to learn at their own speed
  • Helps develop independent learning

Membership Options

Customers can complete a free Registration for a Basic Membership by going to our Registration Page.

Access to the use of our full subtitled videos is a Premium Service and requires the purchase of a Gold, Silver or Bronze Membership subscription

  • Features
  • Dyslexic User Guide
  • Subtitled Educational Videos *
  • DEMO Subtitled Videos
  • Free math videos
  • All quizzes for each topic
  • Video study tools
  • Downloadable Lesson Plans
  • Learning objectives
  • Other onsite resources
  • Zane Video catalogue (PDF)
  • Tech Support
  • Zane Home Learning Guide
  • Christian Learning Guide
  • Free Membership
  • 72 hour
  • Register FREE

* Subscription Options:

Gold Membership - all videos for all subjects for all Grades

Silver Membership - all videos for all subjects for the chosen Grade

Bronze Membership - all videos for all Grades for the chosen Subject
