An Arts and Crafts Activity
One way to capture the unique spirit of fall is to press different kinds of leaves and then use them for artwork.
Materials Required:
- Cardboard
- Newspaper
- Large book
One way to capture the unique spirit of fall is to press different kinds of leaves and then use them for artwork.
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Your kitchen is a wonderful source of objects that can be traced and transformed into fanciful works of art.
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Ready for a surprise? Your pantry is chock-full of good stuff for making jewelry. Here are a few suggestions.
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If you like the idea of the great outdoors, but cringe at the thought of sleeping under the stars, we have good news for you – you can “camp out” withyour kids in the safety of your own home.
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If your child likes the circus, you can sponsor one right in your own living room or play room.
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Lots of kids seem to think that the bank is where anyone can go to get any amount of money needed, free. Would that it were so easy.
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Do you live in a region that requires deposits on beverage containers? If so, your child can use this “hidden money” as part of an ongoing project that will help him or her learn about managing resources and helping others.
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How many times a day do you find yourself saying, “Just a second,” “Just one minute,” or “Just a few minutes”? What do these ideas really mean to your child? To find out, try these time games.
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Everybody loves a friendly robot. And you can make a quick and easy robot suit out of some readily available kitchen supplies.
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In the summertime, your kids may be used to slurping down lots of frozen “pop” bars. The only problem is, these treats have minimal value (most are essentially colored sugar water). Plus, they’re expensive. Why not make a project out of making your own juice bars with your kids?
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