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May 2009

Our Videos & Reading Literacy

Subscribers and students using our online K-12 educational video’s, each enjoy the additional academic benefit of being able to improve their reading literacy while learning the subject of their choice.

Each of our videos is deliberately subtitled so as to provide each student with the option of either listening to the video soundtrack, reading the subtitles, or listening to the soundtrack while at the same time reading the presentation using the subtitling.

By providing these additional options the student has the unconscious opportunity to improve their reading and literacy levels while learning the particular subject of their choice.

Research work being carried out by the Availll Institute represents a significant discovery and offers a long sought after solution in reading improvement for students.

Data results that have been generated by university based research indicate a direct link between significant improvements in students reading abilities and literacy skills and the use of subtitled videos and movies. In fact in a 2008 email, Warwick Elley, a world leader in reading education, observed that Availll is onto something significant.

One particular set of research results produced using the Availll program were particularly significant indicating an average gain in literacy level of 1.5 years in just 6 weeks.

To learn more about the work of the Availll Institute, what their research has revealed in regards to improved literacy and reading levels, and why our online videos are of significant additional benefit to students, visit the Availll Institute website at the following link:


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