Home > News > An Indoor Play Activity 97: Keeper of the Cans
Aug 2012

Children’s Activity 97: Keeper of the Cans

An Indoor Play Activity

Do you live in a region that requires deposits on beverage containers? If so, your child can use this “hidden money” as part of an ongoing project that will help him or her learn about managing resources and helping others.

Materials Required:

  • Beverage containers
  • Secure, safe storage space
  • Pencil
  • Paper


Do you live in a region that requires deposits on beverage containers? If so, your child can use this “hidden money” as part of an ongoing project that will help him or her learn about managing resources and helping others.

Appoint your child “keeper of the cans” and ask him or her to select a charitable organization or community group that would benefit from a donation from your family. (You may have to help younger children select an appropriate charity.)

Your child’s job: to find a secure space for the receptacles, to keep them neatly stored, and to keep a running total of the amount of money your family is setting aside in the form of deposits.

After a week or two, accompany your child to the deposit redemption center, help him or her transfer the cash into a check or money order and oversee the mailing of the proceeds.

If the organization you and your child select is close, you may be able make the donation in person – even more satisfying.

Keeper of the Cans is an Indoor Play activity that’s a useful educational activity for teaching your child about the value of money and help them experience the joys of giving.


This Children’s Creative Activity is sponsored by Zane Education – the home of online Visual Learning. Visual Learning is a method of online learning that includes the use of online subtitled educational video that caters for virtually all Learning Styles. The online education videos are accompanied by online multiple choice quizzes, lesson plans and interactive study tools. Virtually all children prefer Visual Learning as it makes study much more interesting and fun. It is the ideal online education solution for teachers and classroom students, homeschooling, special needs education and children that you’d like to see improve their reading and literacy skills and children studying ESL – as they study the same curriculum topics studied by their classmates and peers. Zane Education provides that and much more.


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