An Arts and Crafts Activity
The great outdoors is a great source of raw materials for regal finery.
Materials Required:
- Leaves, flowers, seeds
- String
The great outdoors is a great source of raw materials for regal finery.
To make a crown or wreath of leaves, collect some fresh leaves (you’ll have the most colorful finery in autumn).
Poke a hole in one stem with the stem of another, and feed the stem through.
Continue this process until the leaves are chained together.
You can do the same thing with clovers and flowers by making a slit at the bottoms of the stems and feeding the ends through one another to make a chain.
Another type of nature finery is the seedling bracelet.
To make a maple bracelet, for example, collect a batch of fresh maple seeds (don’t forget to play whirlygig with them first), and cut small
holes in the end of the stem.
Pass a string through the holes and tie it so that it’s just large enough for your child’s hand to pass through, but small enough to keep from slipping off. Elastic string works best.
The next time you go out walking, watch out-you might be stepping on a precious gem.
This Childrens Activity is sponsored by Zane Education – the home of online Visual Learning.