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Relativity and Nuclear Power video

Video title: Relativity and The Nuclear Age

Use this What is Physics video entitled Theory of Relativity and Nuclear Power for to study and learn about the benefits and challenges of nuclear energy.

Learn about Relativity and The Nuclear Age.


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Relativity and Nuclear Power video. Learning Objectives for this video:

  • Relativity in Physics. Learn about Relativity and The Nuclear Age. Study the laws of nature and the great minds whose insights explained them, from Aristotle and his observations on motion to Einstein and his theories of relativity.
  • Name key historical scientists fundamental in defining the forces at work in the universe.
  • Examine the benefits and challenges of nuclear energy.
  • Understand the importance of physics in our everyday lives.
  • Discover the many benefits of using online video for visual learning. Educational video for teaching the K-12 curriculum provides online learning for children and students of all ages and abilities. Using subtitled video - or video with closed captions - enables children to choose between watching, listening to, or reading each presentation whichever best suites their individual learning style. A wonderful option particularly for dyslexia and special needs education.

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