Energy Resources video

Video title: Energy Resources

Use this Science and Earths Natural Resources video entitled Energy Resources to learn about alternative sources of energy and the advantages and disadvantages, risks, and limitations involved in the use of fossil fuels, nuclear energy, and alternative forms of energy such as solar, wind, and geothermal energies.

Learn about Energy Resources.


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Energy Resources video. Learning Objectives for this video:

  • What are Energy Resources. Learn about Energy Resources. Study the importance of our natural resources and see the effects of pollution and species extinction on nature's balance and define what natural resources are; how natural resources are obtained and used.
  • Discover the importance of the atmosphere and its composition to life on earth.
  • Decide for yourself if the United States and other countries should make more of an effort to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels for their energy needs, and move instead to develop alternative energy sources, such as solar.
  • Understand why natural resources are limited and the importance of conserving them.
  • Learn about alternative sources of energy.
  • Discover the many benefits of using online video for visual learning. Educational video for teaching the K-12 curriculum provides online learning for children and students of all ages and abilities. Using subtitled video - or video with closed captions - enables children to choose between watching, listening to, or reading each presentation whichever best suites their individual learning style. A wonderful option particularly for dyslexia and special needs education.

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