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Music Through the Classical Period video

Video title: Through the Classical Period

Watch this History of Music and Classical Period video entitled Music Through the Classical Period to study the introduction of secular music during the Middle Ages and identify instruments used by medieval musicians.

Use this K12 video to study the History of music thorough the Classical period and the development of the Classical symphony and sonata-allegro form. Learn about the advent of the piano and the impact it had on composition. Listen to excerpts from works by Haydn and Mozart some of the greatest composers of their time.


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Music Through the Classical Period video. Learning Objectives for this video:

  • The Classical Period of Music. Learn about Music in the Classical Period. Learn about the evolution of Western classical music, from Gregorian chant to the early works of Ludwig van Beethoven, whose career marks one of the great turning points in musical history.
  • Examine the cultural impact of medieval plainchant and the music of troubadours, Renaissance choral works and madrigals, the Baroque debut of opera and the concerto, and the symphonic and sonata-allegro forms.
  • Study the introduction of secular music during the Middle Ages and identify instruments used by medieval musicians.
  • Listen to excerpts from compositions by Bach, Handel, Haydn, and Mozart.
  • Discover the many benefits of using online video for visual learning. Educational video for teaching the K-12 curriculum provides online learning for children and students of all ages and abilities. Using subtitled video - or video with closed captions - enables children to choose between watching, listening to, or reading each presentation whichever best suites their individual learning style. A wonderful option particularly for dyslexia and special needs education.

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