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May 2012

Hygene, Sex Education & Adolescence on Online Video

A Review of Hygene, Sex Education & Adolescence using Educational Video

Using these online subtitled videos boys and girls can study and learn about Hygene, Sex Education and Adolescence.

Zane Education’s library of online educational video includes a range of Heath topics, and today we review the topics of Hygene, Sex Education, Adolescence and Teenage Pregnancy.

Hygene, Sex Education and Adolescence is a curriculum-based topic intended for students of 12 years and older up to those of Adult age, or Grades 6 and upwards.

The topics of Hygene, Sex Education, Adolescence and teenage Pregnancy are presented in 5 videos entitled:

  • From Girl To Woman
  • From Boy to Man
  • Labour and Delivery for Teens
  • Communicable Diseases
  • Non-Communicable Diseases

Using these online subtitled videos to study and learn about Hygene, Sex Education and Adolescence, you’ll explore the complex emotional and physical changes that boys and girls encounter as their bodies prepare them for adulthood.

The objective of these 5 videos on Hygene, Sex Education and Adolescence is to help boys and girls:

  • Understand the new emotions and the physical changes they will experience during puberty as their bodies prepare them for adulthood.
  • Develop an understanding of the physiology of maturation; both the primary and secondary changes of growth pattern, skin, body, hair, and body contour.
  • Discover troubling questions that can be asked of a responsible adult.
  • Learn that there is a wide variation in the range of normal for the changes occurring during puberty.
  • Gain an understanding of the fears and tension that can contribute to the emotional turbulence of pre-adolescence.
  • Identify several ways to take care of oneself during the pregnancy, such as attending childbirth classes and visiting a physician regularly for prenatal examinations.
  • Learn the importance of supportive relationships, with parents, family members, and partners.
  • Explore the physiology of labor and how the baby passes from the uterus into the outside world.
  • Discover the importance of staying in school and options for future childcare.
  • Examine the two types of diseases found in the human body communicable and noncommunicable diseases. Means of transmission and examples of diseases will be explored. Examine the two types of diseases found in the human body communicable and noncommunicable diseases.
  • During the communicable disease portion of the program we will introduce the four major means of transmission, viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites, and provide relative examples of diseases caused by each. And for the noncommunicable portion of the program, we will see examples of glandular, skeletal, cellular, and cardiovascular diseases.


Zane Education’s unique approach to Visual Learning and the use of subtitled video to teach Hygene, Sex Education and Adolescence provides an interesting, compelling and enjoyably effective way for kids to study these topics. The use subtitled video enables children to study Hygene, Sex Education and Adolescence, while at the same time using the subtitles to improve their Reading and Literacy skills – a rare opportunity in education today.

Zane’s approach to the use of online video developed specifically to provide the curriculum-based information about Hygene, Sex Education, Adolescence and teenage Pregnancy, is handled sensitively so as to be aware of the needs of both the students as well as the teacher and parents. It is a refreshing option to the use of textbooks alone, and the combined use of subtitles with the video allows each child to choose whether to watch, listen to, or read each video presentation – according to their preferred Learning Style.

It provides a wonderfully beneficial experience for the average student, and by providing these choices for kids to process the information according to their level of ability, they make this material on Hygene, Sex Education, Adolescence and teenage Pregnancy accessible to a wide range of kids with Special Education needs. Of course the use of online educational video also provides the gifted students the opportunity to study at their own speed.

As always Zane out-performs other companies in the online educational video market by providing each topic with its own Lesson Plan – which parents and Teachers can download at no cost, online interactive study tools to ensure that each child can study the topic of Hygene, Sex Education, Adolescence and Teenage Pregnancy thoroughly, and an interactive multiple-choice quiz.

Sample Hygene, Sex Education, Adolescence and Teenage Pregnancy Video

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